Thursday, November 11, 2010

10 Things About Me Me Me :-)

I've been tagged "it" by my buddy Joann over at It's Dark, Dark In Here (hey this is the second post with Joann's blog mentioned :-) ) to tell 10 things about me. Since I just updated my "Me" page, I will try to add 10 things I have not mentioned. Okay, here goes.

10. I'm an "American Mutt". Yes, each one of my grandparents was from a different country-Hungary, Austria, Sweden and Germany.

9. I lived in foster homes between the ages of 3 and 5 and was going to be put up for adoption, but my Guardian Angel *waves excitedly to Daddy* saved me. He got official custody of me when I was six  and raised me as a single father my entire life.

8. My dad is the "Real" Kramer (shhhhhh)

7. I studied acting at HB studios in Tribeca for a while and thought I would go the acting route, but decided it wasn't the life I wanted.

6. I tried for 5 years to have kids and finally had success with the miracles of modern medicine. I am a very proud IVFer :-)

5. I almost dropped out of school when I was 16, but my father convinced me to stay in and I ended up going to college and getting a BA in psychology and a MA in Elementary Education.

4. I was a beauty advisor/make-up artist for Lancome for 3 years at Macy's Herald Square. (The money was great, but the retail hours...HATED IT!)

3. I'm not a night owl AND I'm not a morning person. Not sure what the hell that makes me? I like my sleep (too bad I don't get enough of it)

2. I have been with my husband for almost 15 years (married 7). He is from Puerto Rico and we plan on moving there with our girls in the next couple of years!!!!!! Tropical weather, banana and mango trees, beach weather year round, and lots and lots of family HERE WE COME!!!

1. Discovering my joy for writing has been the best thing that could have ever happened to me (well, other than my family). Writing has given me a mental release from life that I believe everyone needs. Whether it be from photography, drawing, sewing, knitting, scrap booking, reading, whatever it may be, having something to pull you away from everyday life is so important. And most importantly, writing has brought some amazing people to my life. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my writer friends (and you best know who you are :-))

Naomi, Hayley, and Shari...TAG, YOU'RE IT! :-)


  1. Wow! It's great to hear tidbits about people we follow. You were in a foster home for 2 years? Gee, my husband was also. He got adopted, but knows his birth family (turns out he is related to someone famous) but of course they know nothing about us. His adoptive family is wonderful. His mom has 3 kids by birth and found it in her heart to adopt 3 more and to foster over 320 kids. He said he hit pay dirt with his parents and wouldn't trade them for anything. Thanks for sharing about yourself and your family and if you move to Puerto Rico, ask around for my friend Janslevette :-D

  2. That's so amazing about your dad.. with all the deadbeats around here it's nice to see a dad step up and be a father!

    And I'm jealous of your move to Puerto Rico!

  3. You are living such an interesting life, Mel! Thank you for sharing. It's so much fun learning about our fellow blogsters. I, too, am jealous of that move to Puerto Rico. You will, erm, have a guest room, correct?? :-)

    p.s. You can mention my blog anytime! hehehehe

  4. I've never been there myself, but I've heard great things about Puerto Rico!

    And I think it would drive me crazy to work at Macy's Herald Square, too--not because of the hours, but because of the crowds. Every time I've been in there I've felt really claustrophobic from all the people, haha.

    I'll post my 10 things soon :)

  5. LM, I remember you saying something about that before. It's great that he got such an amazing adoptive family and wow, his mother is such a giving woman. It's like she was meant to be in this world to give all those kids her love!

    Chey, no kidding. And to think he was hot time stand up comedian at the time opening for people like Ike and Tina and Three Dog Night and other huge rock concerts. He really is an amazing man and an even more amazing father!

    Joann, uh, duh. You know there will be a guest room for you and the hub to stay in :-) and I will put a border all around the room that says, IT'S DARK, DARK IN HERE hehe

    Hayley, Puerto Rico is the most wonderful tropical location IMO. It's part of the US so you are protected under US laws and you don't have to exchange money. I swear it's like NY in the caribbean! I can wait to live there and have a whole new set of inspirations for story settings!!! The beaches, the rainforest, the caverns, the cities, the small country towns. OMG, the possibilities are endless!!!!

  6. this is so brilliant. you are amazing! really!

    i love all this stuff about your life - such an interesting childhood.

    also, love that you have twins. coolest thing ever.

    15 years with your hubby is awesome! you guys are the best (i can tell, haha)

    also, love your heritage. i'm Aussie, but my mum's scottish (came here as a teen) and my dad's Irish, lol.


    and thanks for the tag! i'll have to try and see how i can be as cool as you!

  7. You don't have to TRY Nomes. You are so cool, my eyeballs freeze every time I see your name and anything you've said. :-)

    Whisk, thanks for stopping by and reading :-)

  8. Hey fellow Mutt! My mom used to call us Heinz57 kids - my dad is mostly german and my mom is a mix of everything. Now MY kids, well they're half chinese and german and french and well you get the picture. Love the stuff about your daddy and that you see him as your guardian angel. And whoa! a makeup artist?? That is one thing that i haven never ever gotten the hang of. I'm so glad you started writing or I never would have met you!!!

    Hugs, me.

  9. Hey Angie, when we actually meet one day, I'll give you some make up tips if you want :-) I still love doing a good make-over. I walk down the street sometimes and just wish I could pull some people aside, throw them in a chair and give them some pointers on make-up application.

    And ditto on meeting you. Sending you a big cyber hug and kiss :-)

  10. Ok, Mel, I haven't even checked this for a while because I've been so busy. But I'll make sure to do the ten things about me thing.

    Loved yours. It's always fun to email back and forth about writing, but it's also so fun to get to know other things about people.

    It sounds like you have a wonderful family and that's really so important in life.


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